vocabulary revision (at the beach):
La plage (beach)
Un parasol (a sunshade)
Une pelle (a a spade)
Un ballon (a balloun)
Il fait chaud (It’s hot)
Vocabulaire sous la mer (under the sea vocabulary):
Le poisson (fish)
Le crabe (crab)
Le dauphin (dolphin)
La baleine (whale)
L’étoile de mer (starfish)
La tortue de mer (sea turtle)
La méduse (jelly fish )
Click the video below:
1-Fiche de travail (worksheet):
1-Entoure le mot poisson (circle the word ‘poisson’ which means fish)
2-Ecrit la phrase (write the sentence)
3-Colorier le poisson en rouge (color the fish red)
2-Fiche de travail (worksheet):
Cut the fish and match the correct pairs.
hello kids! I miss u all.Did u enjoy last week's activities? This
week we will talk about the beach,.Enjoy and keep safe.
2nd week:
Vocabulaire(vocabulary): A
la plage (At the beach)
La plage (beach)
Un parasol (a sunshade)
Une pelle (a a spade)
Un ballon (a balloun)
Il fait chaud (It’s hot)
-Click the video below:
1-fiche de travail (worksheet).
Cut the letters and stick them in the correct
order. when you are done, color it.
order. when you are done, color it.
You will need a
printer, scissors,glue and colored pencils.
2-Jeu de duel (game touch the right card).
-first you will need a
printer to print the cards.
-cut them out
-you will need 2 teams and you can play with your family.
-put them in the middle.
-one player should be the teacher,who will call out the word
-the first one to touch the card takes 1 point
-the first one to touch the card takes 1 point
la plage
une pelle
un parasol
un ballon
une baleine
un poisson
Les animaux de la ferme
(animals of the farm).
vache (a cow )
coq (a cock)
Un mouton (a sheep)
Un canard (a duck)
Une poule (a chicken)
Un chat (a cat)
Un cheval (a horse)
Un chien (a dog)
1-Click the link below (Apprendre les animaux de la ferme et
leurs cris) learn animals farm with their voices.
-fiche de travail (work sheet)
Relie les animaux de la ferme.
Relie les noms
d’animaux aux images.(Match the picture of the animal to the word) can u say
the name of the animals?
Now can you say the sound each animal makes?
. . une poule
. . un chat
. .une vache
. . un mouton
. . un cheval
2-Activité à faire décorer un mouton (activity to do decorate
a cheep) you will need glue,cottons balls and a printer.
You can print this sheet and glue cotton to give the sheep his
You can do these activities with your family members at
anytime during this week and next week I will post a new activity,you can send
me pictures of your work by email (
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