Virtual Learning

Lessons will be posted daily (Sunday - Thursday) whilst schools are closed. Please check the blog every morning. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

THURSDAY April 09 ,2020

Dear Mothers,
Today is the last day to use the blog. Please login to Class dojo to be able to see all our work starting from Sunday! 

Good Morning! We will start the day with some Music and Movement! Let’s get up!


E. Numbers and counting beyond 20

Raz Kids
I have assigned you all  a book to read and record on Raz Kids. You have to do the following:

Listen to it
Read it
Do the quiz
Record it for me to hear you!

Language Arts
I am sure by now you know what BLENDS are. But, as a reminder, we are going to do some practicing on IXL
  1. Consonant blends and digraphs

2 Complete the word with the right initial consonant blend

Way to go! You did it!!!

Now time to have fun with WORD ART
Letter  Environmental  Art:
You draw a picture of a whale and jellyfish swimming in the sea using the sentence (Save the whale). Use the true color that matches each object as much as you can. For example: write the sentence on parts of the whale using dark blue and for the sea water light blue etc… as it is shown in the picture.
The words used: Save the whale
Materials: paper and colored markers
And that brings an end to another week of fun and learning!
 I look forward to seeing you next week! 
Don’t forget to sign in ClassDojo! 
Have a peaceful, safe weekend and continue to wash your hands! 
Wish you all well :)
WEDNESDAY April 08 ,2020

Please remember to login into Class Dojo as we will be using it starting next week. 

Good Morning! We will start the day with some Music and Movement! Let’s get up!

Brain Smart Start: 

Yipiiii!!! That was exciting:) 
Today we are going to have 3 activities; Reading, Writing and Sight words. 
All the best in all of them- I know you can do it! Don’t forget to send me pictures of it! 
I love seeing them everyday :)
We will see you here tomorrow. Keep washing your hands!
I would like you to reread the story “Goldilocks” and then on the app Class Dojo, go to the activity section and retell the story.
N.B I don’t want you to be shy. I am  the only one to see the video, your friends can’t see it .
This is how you go to the activity section 
Under the avatar you’ll find the name and activity , click on it and you are there!
If you want to upload a pictures a video or audio follow the same directions ; 
Click on the name then create or + and you are there !

Writing Prompt : 
My Creative Writers,Wednesday the writing day is here ! 
I want you to look closely at the picture, then I want you to tell me “What are the kids doing in the picture?”
“Where are they ?”
“How is the weather on this day?”
I know how creative you can be :) 
Remember  your finger spacing, writing the letters correctly starting with a capital letter and ending with a full stop. 

Again After this activity is done I would like you to go to Class Dojo, and upload it in the activity area.  As we did above !
Sight words: 
The sight words this week are (was - had - they) put the words in your own sentences:
Remember to start with Capital letter, space your words using a finger space and end with a full stop.
Way to go! Now let’s watch these fun songs!
High Frequency words songs
Sight words activity: 
Time to have fun with sight words!!!
Use plastic tweezers to place small puff-balls (pom poms) to make their sight words (was - had - they).  Those pincher muscles are extremely important for their fine motor development to help with handwriting.  

TUESDAY April 07 ,2020
Good Morning! We will start the day with some Music and Movement! Let’s get up!

Woohoo! That was fun :) Today, you will see three more posts for the work- Math, Letter of the Week (Tt) and one on Blends! All the best in all of them- I know you can do it! Don’t forget to send me pictures of it! I love seeing them everyday :)
So many of you worked so hard on the tens and ones game yesterday! Today, I thought I will add some more fun with another game! I have numbers 16, 74, 82 and 23. Can you show it using things from home? Here are some materials you could use to make your bundles of 10:

Beads and pipe-cleaners

Coins in stacks of 10
Bundles of sticks
Bunches of drinking straws
10 stickers on a strip of paper/cardboard

Letter of the Week
Here we are again, with the letter Tt. To remind you how we write it

Uppercase T- Start from the TOP, big line down, bump the line! Go back up and little line on top
Lowercase t- Start from the top, go down, bump the line and cross in the middle!
Language Art

Consonant Blends Song: 

Remember the consonant blends that we have been learning, this song is about the consonant blends letter S 
Game time: Let’s review consonant blend letter S. Can you cut, sort and paste the pictures in the right column? And then color in them!Don't forget to send the pictures to me! :)

MONDAY April 06 ,2020

Please remember to login into Class Dojo as we will be using it starting next week. 

We will start with some Music and Movement and Breathing! Let’s get up!
Brain Smart Start:
Today we will review place values- remember tens and ones? Well, on the 100th day of school, we all learnt that 10 groups of tens made 100! Today, we will revisit the concept. Here is a short video to watch at home!
Now that you remember how to make bundles of tens and use little blocks for the ones, here is  a little game you can play!

Count the tens and ones numbers on the side one by one and then find that number in the middle and color in the box! I am sure you can do it supper quick because of your fast counting! All the best!

Super Readers hello again. Are you ready for a new read aloud? 
Today's read aloud is an old story I am sure you know. “Goldilocks”
I want you to listen to the story, Then I want you to write 
“What would you do if you saw Goldilocks in your house.” 
I am waiting to read some exciting ideas.

DO NOT TRACE . I added this sheet to help you follow how to write the letters on the correct lines. Please try your very best. I know you can do it. :)
Have a love day KG2 
Stay safe

SUNDAY April 05 ,2020

We will start with some Music and Movement! Let’s get up!
Brain Smart Start
Today we will review missing numbers from 1 till 100! But fIrst we will play this game- ENJOY!
Now that we are ready, let’s write those missing numbers on the paper below. Don’t forget to send me the pictures of your work! 
Letter of the Week
This week, we will be working on the letter Tt! 
Let’s watch the video below to see how we write the uppercase and lowercase Tt.

Uppercase T- Start from the TOP, big line down. Go back up and little line on top. 
Lowercase t- 

Let’s do some Paint in Ziplock bag writing!

Add 3 tablespoons of paint into the bags. Slowly squeeze all the extra air out while the bag is flat.  Seal the bag – and then double check the seal! And you are ready to write with your finger tips! Remember not to use your nails- or else the bag with rip! Have fun!
Language Arts:
Just to remind you again: What are  CONSONANT BLENDS?
Consonants are all the letters in the alphabet that aren’t vowels. There are 21 of them…
b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z
CONSONANT BLENDS are 2 or more consonants that are smoothly joined together to help make up sounds in words.  
Let’s listen to the blend song to remember
Time for Consonant Blends Game: (sp, sk, sm, …)
Well, we have a blend game for you all! Can you find the missing blend that makes up the word?
Look at you, you did it!!!
And we had a strong start to the week! See you all tomorrow! :)
THURSDAY April 02 ,2020

Brain Smart Start
Raz Kids
I have assigned you all  a book to read and record on Raz Kids. You have to do the following:

Listen to it

Read it

Do the quiz

Record it for me to hear you!

Here is a picture to show you where to click to record.
Today , we will be reading number stories to solve some addition problems! Are you ready? Let’s go!

J.Addition up to 10 

11 Addition word problems - sums up to 10

Language Arts
I am sure by now you know what BLENDS are. But, as a reminder, we are going to do some practicing on IXL. 
  1. Consonant blends and digraphs

Way to go! You did it!!!

Now time to have fun with WORD ART
Letter Landscape Art:
You draw a picture of a landscape using the words for each object as the picture below. Use the true color that matches each object as much as you can. For example: write the word sky using color blue.
The words are used: grass, sun, trunk, leaves, sky, rain and cloud
Materials: paper and colored markers
And that brings an end to another week of fun and learning! I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday at our Zoom Meeting! Don’t forget to sign in! 
Have a peaceful, safe weekend and continue to wash your hands! Wish you all well :)
Enjoy the weekend song!

WEDNESDAY April 01 ,2020

My Dear MLS Family, 

I have great news for you, we are going to start a live class next Sunday, where we will all be able to see each other, talk and discuss what we are doing at home.  We are going to send an email out tomorrow please check your inbox and your junk mail, if you didn't receive an email please let me know. I am so excited. Can’t wait for Sunday!!! 
Brain Smart Start
 Hello again, today in reading you will listen AGAIN to the story 
“DANNY AND THE DINOSAUR”, written by Sid Hoff. 

After listening to it, I would like you to make a different ending to the story. You can make the ending funny, scary or even add more characters to its ending. I am waiting to get your masterpieces tomorrow! 

N.B  You can discuss it with someone to get more ideas, but I would like to read your writing, with your spelling mistakes, I want to see if I can still read what you write :)

Don’t rush to finish it , take your time, and you can always go back to it and complete it on the next day. 

Language Art

My lovely young learners, I am very proud of all the work you have done until now. This week we are going to start something new. 
Writing Prompt: 
I want you to look at the picture below carefully, and then write up to 5 sentences, telling me what you see in the picture. 
Start your sentences with-
I can see _______________________________________________.
REMEMBER  to start your sentence with a 
CAPITAL LETTER, proper      finger spacing and end if with a full stop ⚫
Try to add colors and numbers to your sentences.

Try to add colors and numbers to your sentences.
I can see two children.
I can see a girl wearing blue. 
Remember don’t worry about your spelling , I want your own writings. :)
Sight words
The sight words this week are 
Put these words in your own sentences:
Remember to start with Capital letter, space your words using a finger space and end with a punctuation mark.
Way to go! Now let’s watch these fun songs!
Now time to have fun with paint!
Write sight words (come, got, play) with dots.You’ll need some paint, cotton buds and paper.
Woohoo! We are done with another day of hard work and fun! And I am sure you are making everyone proud around you with all the effort that you are putting in! Keep up the great work!
We will see you here tomorrow!
Remember to wash your hands :)

TUESDAY March 31 ,2020

Brain Smart Start
Can you make the number ‘5’ in different ways? Hmm.. let’s see we know that 
0+5 makes 5
1+4 also makes 5
Let’s watch different ways of making it!
For today’s activity, we will get 10 legos (5 of one color and 5 of another color). You can use any other thing from home as well as long as they are 5 of one color and 5 of another (eg, pom poms, crayons, straws etc). On the paper below, show me six different ways to make the number 5! 
(Hint - 2+ 3 makes 5, whereas 3+2 also makes 5 (they are two DIFFERENT ways to make 5)!
Way to go! You did it! Now let’s watch this fun song to make 5!

Letter of The Week
Do you remember, how did we write the letter Ii? 
Uppercase I - Start from the top, big line down, little line at the top and bottom.
Lowercase i- Start from the top, go down, bump. And then a dot above it.
Let’s work on practicing some more by writing the sentences below! All the best! :)
Language Art
Consonant Blends Song: 
Remember the consonant blends that we introduced on Sunday? Well, here is a song to remind and review!

Consonant Blends Game
Well, we have a blend game for you all! Can you find the missing blend that makes up the word? All the best!
That was a lot of work today! And we have reached the middle of the week! Woohoo! Two more days of school and then 2 days of NO SCHOOL! You can do it!

We will see you here tomorrow- wishing you all well and praying for everyone’s safety and health! Keep washing your hands!


MONDAY March 30 ,2020

Dear Wonderful Moms, 
It is great to see pictures sent in by you of the work that your children did that was assigned by the Special’s teacher! Please note that specials work pictures have to be sent to the respective teacher’s email address. I am pasting their email address below. Please add them to your email contacts so that it is easy for you to send them emails. You can also contact them with any queries or concerns regarding the work they have assigned. Thank you :) - Ms. Lina Nassif  (Arabic) -Ms. Darine Al Baradhi/ Ms.Mounia Safa (French) - Ms. Cherry Tseng (Mandarin) - Ms. Rochelle Alberca (Performing Arts) - Ms.Mirna Oweini (Art) - Ms.Larisa Skogoreva/ Ms.Jocelyn Gallegos (P.E) - Ms. Dina/Ms. Shoroq/Ms. Haya (Islamic)
Brain Smart Start
Hello KG2C, I heard that you are enjoying the read alouds. So, we will have one every week!
Today, in reading, we will listen to the story “DANNY AND THE DINOSAUR”, written by Sid Hoff. Let’s watch this story together! Listen carefully !
Now, let’s draw the story on a piece of paper and try to retell what happened at the beginning of the story, the middle and at the end!
My loved ones, I would like you to do the writing and the drawings on  your own using neat handwriting and nicely drawn and colored pictures. Don’t rush to finish it , take your time, and you can always go back to it and complete it on the next day.
Waiting for some lovely pieces!
Language Art
Consonants are all the letters in the alphabet that aren’t vowels. There are 21 of them…
b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z
CONSONANT BLENDS are 2 or more consonants that are smoothly joined together to help make up sounds in words.  
Let’s learn to blend

And we are done with today’s work! Kudos to you all for your hard work! Keep it up and we will see you all tomorrow! 
Meanwhile, don’t forget to stay safe, eat healthy and wash your hands! Wish you all well!
SUNDAY March 29 ,2020
Brain Smart Start:
Dear Wonderful MLS Family,

Thank you for the way you have been supporting your children with their remote learning. I know this is challenging for parents and hope that you will begin to get into a rhythm with this and will be able to support each other. 
You will see a slight change on the blog. I have added some new tabs for the specials (Arabic, PE, French etc). They will be posting their work on those tabs. Please make sure to check those tabs on a regular basis to keep the learning going. 
Once again, Thank you for the patience, support and partnership in making this virtual learning a smooth transition from regular teaching! It is something new for all of us and I appreciate your collaboration in this! 

Danah is teaching us breathing today. Please follow the link to see her video!

Letter of the Week
Welcome back everyone! As we start to work on our letter of the week “Ii”, just a little reminder- we always start writing letters from the TOP. So let’s get those fingers ready!
 Now, we will do an activity writing the Letter I and it has something that you ALL love- Shaving foam!
Spread shaving cream on the table or on a tray and practice writing letters with your finger. To clean up, we simply rub the shaving cream on the table until it disappears.
We will play DICE ADDITION today. You can play with someone from your house. You will need a pair of dice for this game. 
You roll a pair of dice, add the two numbers, find out the answer and color it on the paper! Then, it is your partner’s turn! Keep taking turns until you both get 15 numbers from the grid! Have fun :)
Don’t forget to send us your pictures! We are done for the day and look forward to seeing you all tomorrow! Stay safe and keep washing hands!
THURSDAY  March 26 ,2020

Brain Smart Song

IXL- Math 
I.Addition up to 5

IXL- Language Art

I.Consonant blends and digraphs


Raz Kids
I have assigned you all  a book to read and record on Raz Kids. You have to do the following:

Listen to it
Read it
Do the quiz
Record it for me to hear you!

Here is a picture to show you where to click to record.
Sight words Activity:

Write the words (look, for, get) using pieces of colored paper( if you do not have colored paper, color some papers and cut them out.
Here is an example
Then use the words in your own sentences:
Remember to start with Capital letter, space your words using a finger space and end with a full stop.
Watch the video below to remind you.
Now you have done a great job this week. It's time to relax and enjoy your weekend! Have a happy weekend everyone :)
Enjoy the weekend song.


WEDNESDAY  March 25 ,2020

Brain Smart Song


Hey everyone! Today we will be doing some number stories for addition! But first, let’s watch this video:
Also, let’s watch a short clip about using the number line for addition number stories:

Now that we have refreshed our memories, let’s solve the number story below!
Today, in reading, we will AGAIN listen to the story ‘Rabbit Ears’, written by Amber Stewart.
Now, let’s think about and draw the main characters in the story. Don’t forget to label them! After drawing the main Characters, let’s think of the ‘setting’ of the story (Hint: ‘Characters’ mean: WHO were in the story and ‘Setting’ means, WHERE the story takes place.)
Language Art
Today we will be reviewing our Digraphs! This should be a piece of cake for you. Click on the link below and enjoy playing the game, where you have to match the picture to the correct 

Great Going everyone! That was another day of hard work and reviewing everything that we have been doing at school! Keep up the efforts everyone! See you all tomorrow!
Till then--- stay safe and healthy! :)
Remember to wash your hands :)

_____________________________________________ TUESDAY 24th  March ,2020

Brain Smart Start Song:



Today we will be reviewing our TALLY MARKS! This should be easy peasy for you! 

Hint hint: Four tally marks are standing and then the fifth one….. CLOSES THE GATE! 

Hint# 2 - if you count by 5’s then you know then those numbers will always close the gate ;)

Today, we are going to reread and edit our writing, let’s take it out before we begin the lesson for today.

Today I want to teach you that:
Writers edit their writing before sending their letter off
Use this list to edit your writing :
1- My personal word wall (to check your writing).
2- Alphabetic chart (to check letter formation). 
3- Have I started my sentence with an upercaseletter?  The sky is blue. 
4- Are the rest of the letters lower cases?     The sky is blue.
5- Did I leave spaces between words?     I     like   apples.
6- Did I end my sentence with a punctuation?       .    !    ?
After we are done with editing, let’s look at our drawing:
Do we need to add to our drawing? 
Did we label our drawing? 
Time to color!!!  Let’s make sure that we color inside the line.

Writers you can make the world a better place!!!

Letter of the Week:
Remember how to write the letter ‘Aa’ ? Good! Today we will practice writing it some more. Don’t forget to write from the TOP! 

For Uppercase A- Start from the top, Big line down, go back to the top, big line down again and a little across the middle!
For Lowercase a- Start from the top, magic ‘c’, helicopter goes up, it comes back down and bumps the line! 

Woohoo! Another day of writing DONE! Now it’s time to play!
See you all tomorrow! Stay Safe and Healthy and DON’T forget to keep washing your hands!


MONDAY 23rd  March ,2020

Brain Smart Start Song:


We have a friend (with a filter) here doing the bridge breathing- Can you guess who it is? :)


Marshmallow Shapes!
For today’s activity, you will need marshmallows (or playdoh) and toothpicks (or straws) to build 2-D and 3-D shapes! Here is a short video for ideas! But remember, do we copy? NO! We use our imagination and thinking brain to make our own creations! Happy building!

Now let’s play this game! Keep the ice cream from melting in the sun by naming the correct 3-D shape!


In writing, if unfinished, today we will continue our letter from yesterday! Happy Writing! :)


Today, in reading, we will listen to the story ‘Rabbit Ears’, written by Amber Stewart. Let’s watch this story together!

Now, let's draw the story on a piece of paper and try to retell what happened at the beginning of the story, the middle and at the end!

Language Art:
I am sure you all remember what DIGRAPHS are. But, as a reminder, I am posting some videos for you all!

The /sh/ sound:

The /ch/ sound:

The /th/ sound:

The /wh/ sound

I am sure that jogged your memory! Now we are ready to play this game!

Woohoo! We are done with another day of hard work! And I am sure you are making everyone proud around you with all the effort that you are putting in! Keep it up!

Wish you well.
See you all tomorrow!


SUNDAY 22nd March ,2020

Brain Smart Start Song:


Mothers, please get some lentils (or anything that can be used for counting) to play with for this activity. Happy Counting!

Phew! We have been sitting down and counting for some time. It is time to move to a song about counting backwards! Don’t forget to exercise with Jack in the video!

Today, we are going to continue the letter that we have been working on. So, let’s take it out before we begin the lesson for today.
As a recap, let’s watch the video once more:

Today I attached :

1- An extra paper to add more writing to your letter

2- My personal word wall (to check your writing)

So let's start the process:

1- Let’s first reread our writing to see what problem we had identified.

2- Now we need to find a solution: 

We can start by saying, “We need to Fix this problem! We should …”

3- Add your signature:

From, ……….

There you go! You are done with Writing!

Letter of the Week is back!  We will continue to learn to write letters the proper way!  Watch me as I write the letter A and lowercase ‘a’ in the air. But first, let me ask you this question: Where do we start our letters? That’s right,  From the TOP! So get your fingers ready and follow me as I do it in the video! 

Now we are ready to practice writing lowercase ‘a’ on paper. Here you go! Don’t forget to send me a picture of your hard work!

Wow! That was a LOT of work and a great start to the week! I am so proud of you! Keep up the hard work everyone! 

Wish you all well!
See you tomorrow!


Thursday 19th March, 2020

And today is- Catch up day! We'll, our first virtual catch up day. We will start with our Brain Smart Song to activate our bodies! So let's do the 

Chicken dance with Maximo!

Now it is time to activate the brain! And we do that by Breathing ! Do not forget to breathe three times- deep ones to make them work!

It will be a light day of learning for us! We bring IXL and Raz Kids to you for today! If you are unable to finish today, then you can continue to do over the weekend!

IXL- Language Art
CC. Sentences 2. Identify and use end marks

IXL- Math : 
F. Skip-counting 


I have assigned you all a book to read and record on Raz Kids. You have to do the following:

  • Listen to it
  • Read it
  • Do the quiz
  • Record it for me to hear you!

PSSSST! Something special for you and your wonderful Mommies! 

I have heard it is Mother's Day soon! It is a special day for your Moms. I have attached a link below that includes instructions on how to make a special card for you Moms. Are you ready? 
Let's gather the materials and get creative! Don't forget to write a MESSAGE inside the card!

Happy Mothers day Pop Up Heart Card Printable

And now we are ready to enjoy the weekend! Bravo, you made it to through the week! Now 2 days of playing at home! See you here on Sunday! 

Have a safe and healthy weekend and don't forget to keep washing your hands!

Wish you all well!


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

We are almost at the end of the first week of virtual learning! And all of you are doing a tremendous job at completing your tasks! A big tap on the back for yourselves everyone! :) 

Today, as always, we will start with a Brain Smart Start Song to get more energy and to get ready to start the day! SO let's get moving everyone!

Now that we have our energy in our bodies, it is time to breathe in order to get oxygen in our brain! So let's breathe - deep and three times!

Now that we are all ready to start learning, let's move towards Math!


After this activity, we will do some reading today.


On Raz Kids, I have assigned you all the story, “After School” in level “B”
Listen to the story, read it, do the quiz and then write and draw 3 things you like to do after school. (Mothers don't forget to send a snapshot of their work).

Sight words activity: 

Write your sight words using lentils :)  All you need is glue and lentils. Make sure they are close to each other so I can read them clearly.  The three words are:
  • went
  • are
  • this

Persuasive Writing :

Remember how persuasive writers do the following:
  • SEE the problem
  • THINK about the solution
  • WRITE about it

Let's watch the video again!

What problem do you see around you? Hmm.. let's think about solutions and write about it. Remember to watch carefully around you so that you can come up with new ideas!

Language Arts:

Middle Sounds:

Try to write and draw the pictures you were able to sound out. Enjoy and I am waiting to see colorful pictures.
I know you can do it  :)

Phew! That was a lot of work today! Time to relax now! I wish you all well - keep at home, stay healthy and safe! Adios!

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