Thursday, February 20, 2020

Goldie and the aquarium!

In STEM, we have been learning about the fish! Its parts of the body, habitat and how to take care of them! We have a new addition to the class family. I proudly present to you- GOLDIE (the goldfish)! It has certainly caught everyone's attention since the first day. We have children popping in to say 'Good Morning' to Goldie in the morning and making sure it is 'moving' in its little aquarium through the day.

The children made fish using clay and art materials! They made sure to add scales, fins, gills, eyes, mouth and a tail to their creation. Now we will work on getting an aquarium for their fish! :)

And their fish found a home! KG2 C worked EXTREMELY hard at creating an aquarium for their 'fish'. They painted and they pasted with glue, paper, pipe cleaners! They added sand, shells and made pebbles out of clay! It was a fun morning where they let their creativity juices flow! A lot of hard work was seen along the way! Great work KG2C!

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